Today we did our first ever rocket bottle launch on Konia field! Since it was only a test-day, we just used our “naked” 2-L soda other words a rocket with nothing special attached to it; for example fins, a nose cone or a parachute. The first thing we did was fill up our empty soda bottle with 500 mL of water. When we got to setting up our rocket, it was a little scary because even though we knew what to except, the suspense was intimidating. We found it was a lot easier to attach our rocket than expected (all we had to do was clamp it so it was secure to the base and attach the string), so once it was set up, Shawnie pumped the air into the bottle. This is the video of our first launch and thankfully our bottle didn’t get lost in the trees or on top of a building..and thankfully it didn’t hit the car. For our next launch, we plan to add our modifiers to get our rocket to stay in the air for at least 3 seconds. Hopefully all goes well!
I agree, today launching (even though we'd done it before) was kind of scary. Haha, anyway, I think you guys are on the right track!