Thursday, March 8, 2012

Blog post #6: Launch Day: Test of 10 Seconds

Today was our final launch day for our water bottle rocket. This was the final frontier. Our initial goal was to make the 10-second minimum (and still have a lot of time to spare) so we could get the 10 extra points. Sadly, due to the strong winds and rain and a couple launches later, our new goal became just making the 10 seconds because we were worried that the weather would prevent our rocket from performing as it’s supposed to. By the end of the period and 4 launches later, our rocket still wasn’t able to reach the 10-second minimum. It did come close though with 8.9 seconds. Our main problem was getting our parachute to deploy. Because the rain was getting everything wet, our cone stuck to the rocket and wouldn't let our parachute deploy. The weather really downed our mood, so after our fourth launch we were basically done for the day. We felt that 8.9 seconds was still a respectable time, and even though it wasn’t the 10 we hoped for, our idea and process of making the rocket was on the right track. Getting the rocket concept is what really mattered. Our blog post includes this video of our best launch that day with the time of 8.9 seconds. We’d like to thank the wind this time because it allowed our rocket to stay in the air longer than it would’ve without any wind at all.

On a positive note: we’re glad we covered our fins with duct tape because it prevented them from getting all muddy on the field. We also found this website ( helpful because tip #15 said to make sure you launch when the humidity's low and there's no chance of rain. On the other hand, tip #27 says to practice in all types of conditions....including rain.


  1. I know exactly how you feel ! The weather was terrible today, making it so much harder to launch. We were not able to make the 10 second time either. We also covered our fins with duct tape &it definitely kept them from getting too soggy. Great job today, if only the weather was better haha.

  2. Oh wow! Soooo close! Yeah, yesterday was really tough to launch due to weather. But you are right, at least you understand what you guys were doing even if you didn't get the full 10 seconds.
